Witham-based managed services firm EBM Managed Services has set out an ambitious target for the rest of the year: to achieve carbon neutrality in 2020.
In October 2018, the firm appointed a new energy supplier to ensure that electricity used in their operations comes from 100 percent renewable sources.
“But that’s just the start,” says Mark Bailey, Managing Director. “EBM has big plans to mitigate the impact of our business on the environment.”
The firm are taking a three-stage approach. Stage one, now completed, involved working out and offsetting EBM’s CO2 from 2018. The firm has invested in Quality Assurance Standard-approved offset projects that grow woodlands in the UK.
The next stage is to take a look at waste and bring down the firm’s overall carbon emissions. This includes replacing end-of-life vans with dual fuel alternatives as well as sourcing eco-friendly cleaning products and office supplies, encouraging staff to use public transport and boosting our own recycling efforts.
Finally, the firm are developing a system whereby they can help clients print greener. Some clients already recycle print cartridges with EBM, but the firm intends to extend this to every client. The firm will also begin measuring and offsetting the CO2 from running their print devices on client sites.
Executive Director Richard Tytherleigh comments: “It’s about being responsible corporate citizens. Like many of us, the team at EBM is concerned about the environment, and we are determined to address our impact. Additionally, if we can help our clients do the same – the more the better.”
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EBM Managed Services Group (formerly Essex Business Machines Ltd) provides managed print, IT and telephony services. EBM works across a variety of industries and sectors. Now in the 13th Year of trading, EBM has continued to grow year-on-year. The firm has enjoyed success as an independent reseller providing market-leading customer service to businesses throughout the East of England, including Essex, Suffolk, London, Cambridgeshire and Kent.