Re-writing the rule book – Print.IT Reseller

Business Woman Using Cloud-Based App on Photocopier

The most recent edition of Print.IT Reseller talks about cloud-based services as part of the model provided by managed print businesses. EBM Managing Director, Mark Bailey joins the discussion and shares his thoughts on necessary preparations for a cloud-based models. From the offering itself to staff skill levels.

Print.IT Reseller:

Quocirca says that MPS providers should invest in their cloud offering. Skills and consulting service and be proactive about migrating their current customer base to the cloud. Do you agree and to what extent do you see the move to cloud-based services as a major growth area for the print channel?


I do agree, but only to a certain extent. On paper, cloud-based services seem to be the way to go, given that flexible working arrangement will likely continue beyond the pandemic. All B2B suppliers will need the ability to deliver flexible solutions to grow, given the paramount importance of remote connectivity. Equally it would be naïve not to prepare. That being said, at EBM we have yet to see any great shift away from the traditional model. While cloud printing is already a part of EBM’s MPS offering and there has been little difference in uptake. Whether that will change remains to be seen.

See the full article in the most recent edition of Print.IT Reseller Magazine.

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