The Subscription Economy (Print.IT Reseller)

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Print.IT Reseller Magazine recently published an article on The Subscription Economy (aka “everything-as-a-service”). EBM Managing Director Mark Bailey joined the discussion:

Print.IT Reseller:

According to Deloitte, the subscription business model has been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The firm’s research found that eight out of 10 subscription-based companies are either maintaining or growing their subscriber base. 

To what extent do you beleive the desire to purchase “everything-as-a-service” is impacting the traditional print market?


The traditional is changing for the better. The transactional model of print and IT devices has been fading for years. Even before Covd-19 hit, the vast majority of our customers were leasing their devices and IT alongside a support agreement.

This gives customers certain tax breaks, frees up their cash flow and means that they can upgrade with ease, as well as ensuring that they can get reliable repairs/services, are in a better position to scale their requirements, and can reap the benefits of advancing technologies, including cloud solutions. For sellers, it gives us the opportunity to grow relationships and retain customers as their leases come up for renewal.

While it applies to print and IT, everything-as-a-service actually allows for a more vibrant market with greater opportunity to attract and retain business.


To read the full article in Print.IT Reseller Magazine, please click here. More information on EBM’s Managed Print offering and IT services can be found throughout this website. If you have any questions, or would like to make an enquiry, please contact us on: 01376 512 575.