Put simply, VOIP (voice over internet protocol) is a phone system that makes calls over the internet.
There are many advantages of using a VOIP system, but price is the most obvious benefit for business users. Calls (in particular, long-distance calls) are much cheaper with VOIP than over a conventional ISDN phone line.
By converting voice calls into digital signals and communicating them through existing broadband connections, a VOIP connection is as reliable as your internet connection. This is the case regardless of your location – within the office or outside.
Do some of your users need to work from home? No problem. Divert to another number? Fine. Make calls within your business? Easy. Make calls from your PC? Simple. As with most digital solutions, VOIP is flexible, scalable and adapts to your working life. It does not interfere with your internet usage.
Again, like a lot of digital solutions, VOIP technology can bring efficiency and reliability to your business and therefore enable your customer service agents to deliver better service.
Why Now?
BT will be switching off the PTSN and ISDN networks permanently by 2025. Starting next year, there will be no new installations using this technology, and from 2025 there will be no technical support available for those lines.
If you’re looking for a new line, obviously it makes sense to source an alternative to PTSN or IDSN, given that there will be no new lines installed very soon. The same applies if you’re looking to upgrade. It’s simply not good business to invest in a technology that will soon be unsupported.
Why EBM?
Meeting all your business technology needs. We supply a full-service managed print solution, great value telephony packages, and responsive IT support.
You won’t find the hard sell here. By talking with our clients, EBM finds the best-fit print, telephony and IT solutions for their businesses.
EBM’s Guarantee means we will refund clients when we can’t meet the call out time in their SLAs. Our fantastic Google Reviews make us really stand out from the crowd.
EBM has a simple ethos – we put customer service first. Our after sales support is second-to-none. Friendly and helpful, our customer care team ensures that our clients often provide technical solutions over the phone. When support is needed on site, they will dispatch our effective and reliable engineers.